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The Earliest
Financial Astrology
1901 –1930
Gann, but instead to write a book about what I consider to be the major themes of Gann’s work: pattern, price, and time. In addition, I wanted to write a book that can be used by the analyst and trader who can apply Gann’s basic rules to the markets without having to learn astrology or buy Gann wheels and plastic overlays. He first became interested in financial astrology and planetary market timing and computerized trading in 1994, learning the astro-timing methods of W.D. Gann and financial astrologer, Jeanne Long. He later discovered and invented his own system of planetary price and time analysis for market timing and trading in any time frame, and considers.
Fred White - W.D. Gann
Sepharial –Professor Weston
Table of Contents
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It is with great excitement that werelease this extremely rare collection of financial astrology manuscripts, forwe feel that they represent one of the most important discoveries ever in thisfield, both in terms of astro-finance history, and astrological tradingapplication.General consensus withinthe astro-economic community traces the primary development of modern financialastrology to around the 1920’s, the first time Gann mentioned a planet being ina 1921 Forecasting Course. Professor Weston’s breakthrough work,
In Gann’s 1909 Ticker Interview, he introduces The Law of Vibration andclaims that Natural Philosophy is the basis of his system, leading tospeculation as to whether Gann developed his astrological methods later in hiscareer, or whether the Law of Vibration was actually a veil for the moreesoteric and astrological work that he and his circle were prac
Astrology For Gann Traders Pdf Reader Download
The first manuscript, written in 1902,gives us a startlingly new and radically altered insight into the techniquesused by the forefathers of astro-finance, in that it is the most advanced andimportant single document on astro-finance that we have ever seen, includingeverything written in the ensuing 100 years.The second two manuscripts, written in approximately 1917 and 1930, addto the mystery by presenting advance astro-finance methodologies and insightsthat have not been duplicated in any other work since.Interestingly, the final undated manuscript,marked “…Confidential…” across the bottom, is on Market Trends &
We immediately wondered whether these manuscriptscould possibly be Gann’s missing astrological courses, which everyone has longdreamt might exist, but which no one has ever seen.So far, we have been unable to determinewhether or not these manuscripts could possibly have been written by Gann, but furtherdiscoveries have confirmed that they definitely come from someone within Gann’simmediate circle.Recently we uncoveredanother cache of the rarest materials including a set of ellipses from Gann’spersonal collection.Along with theseGann Ellipses, we acquired a collection of the rarest books from Gann’sRecommended Reading List, for which we had been searching over many years.
Concerning the manuscripts, wediscovered in Fred White’s Guide ToAstrology, one of the Gann List books written in 1901, a section on theconjoined use of heliocentric and geocentric astrology in the markets, whichwas directly copied into the 1902 manuscript.This implies either that White is the author of the manuscripts, or thatthe author copied this one page section from White.The author also makes reference to White’sEphemeris and to certain pages in White’s Guide to Astrology.
We know Gann and White had someconnection because White’s Guide ToAstrology is included on Gann’s Recommended Reading List, and it is knownthat Gann and Johndro worked together, and Johndro was a regular contributor toWhite’s The Adept: Journal of AmericanAstrology, along with Professor Weston, whose Forecasting manuscript is rumored to have been the one item lockedin Gann’s office safe, so it is no large step to infer that this entire circlewas well known to each other, and probably in direct contact.In the 1917 manuscript, the author makes referenceto his correspondence with Sepharial, and knowing that Gann also knew Sepharial,the circle continues to tighten.
At the time this first manuscript waswritten, Gann was only 23 years old, so the likelihood that he had already donethis level of astrological research is slim, if not impossible. We have heardthat Gann began to study astrology in New Orleans before ever arriving on theEast Coast, so the idea of his seeking out fellow astrologers upon his arrival isa given.Gann was known throughout hislife to travel the world seeking information and knowledgeable contacts,including flights around the country in his own airplane, meeting up with thelike of Elbert Benjamin, also known as CC Zain, to collaborate on research.His involvement with the Freemasons,particularly at the 33rd degree, would further inevitably connecthim with a vast network of serious esoteric individuals across the world.
Another such likely associate is theGann List author, Gregorius, from whose MasterKey of Destiny, also recently discovered, we’ve now learned was not just anastrologer, but a market analyst, for in his 1924 Master Key it mentions that “his service includes: Semi-AnnualStock, Bond and General Market Forecasts $250; Grain & Wheat Futures: AReliable Guide to Fluctuations Of the Domes
Of particular interest are thedescriptions given by the author of himself and his forecasting and tradingexperience.At one point the authorexplains, “During the period from Sept. 1st to Dec. 24th,1901, the Author was with a large Brokerage House in Boston, and his Forecastson American Copper were so surprisingly correct, that he was accused of havinginformation from an inside source.Afterhaving traced the movements in the Stock Market back for fifty years, andnoting the position of the planets, we are convinced that the system ofdirections which I use, taken altogether with transits are almostinfallible.For several years whileSugar Stock was active, we successfully called every important move, by usingthe Heliocentric position of the planets.The Author has been able to prognosticateevery day correctly without one failure for six consecutive weeks.
This would be a very impressive recordfor an expert today, yet the author accomplished this in 1901 using
This 1902 manuscript is even moreoriginal in its integration of a number of techniques rarely taught or usedtoday, such as, elevations, latitude & longitude, the parallel aspect,right ascension, declination, planetary days & hours, transits, directions,and the nodes of the planets, elegantly weaving them into a system with clearand precise rules of application for forecasting the markets, and includingexamples from the wheat and sugar markets.An example of the sophistication of his methods is shown in thefollowing statement, “All speculative markets, Stock, Railroads and Mines, aregoverned to a great extent by the Elevation of the Planets; by Elevation, Irefer to Delineation, and considering both Declination and Longitude, I findthat Declination is more important than Longitude.The Parallel aspect is more powerful than aconjunction, but all aspects depend somewhat upon the conditions which exist atthe ingress of the Sun into Aries or Libra, and at the time of a New Moon.”
The next two manuscripts are equallyinteresting in that they outline two further fully intact astrological systemsemploying entirely different methodologies and components than the first system.Unfortunately the originals of each of these is missing it’stitle page, but the systems are no less comprehensible for the lack ofthem.The second manuscript, from 1917,uses indicators, significators, the radix, transition points and directions todetermine the daily and weekly trends of the markets.Interestingly, this manuscript contains anauthor’s aside, “***Remarks enclosed are from notes made from personalcorrespondence with ‘Sepharial’***”
Again the rules are presented in clearsequence according to their specific importance in determining a correctjudgment.There follow intriguingdefinitions such as, “A BOOM is caused when the INDICATOR meets with successivegood aspects or conjunctions of various planets without any interposing badaspects to break the series,” a SLUMP being the opposite, and illuminatingrules like, “All transits are to be interpreted in terms of the LAST major conjunctionof the planets in that sign,” another Gann technique uncovered byBaumring.The author even goes as far asto observe aspects to Antares and Aldebaran. He affirms that, “This market hasbeen under observation now for over 20 years and there has never been any greatrise or fall which did not coincide with the indications from transits over theSignificators and the Ephemeral aspects to the Indicator.”
The third manuscript, written in 1930,contains another complete system of reading market trends according to the NewMoon, as different from the other two as could be, yet original in its methodologyand application.This section presents aswing by swing analysis of the indications of the New Moon on the market for a5 year period from 1897 to 1902, and demonstrates how to read the signs todetermine direction and change in trend using only the moon. It is loaded with fascinating insights like, “Animportant discovery made in connection with these researches is that two NewMoons in the same sign and in the same year invariably shows the market trendfor the ensuing 12 months.”Otherstatements sound as if they came straight from Gann, such as, “Always bear inmind that if a stock continues gains or losses for three consecutive days, itis an indication that a change of trend will then follow.
Near the end there are some curious statementsconcerning cycles.First, in the 1901market analysis, he notes, “The market has been advancing since 1896, and we knowthat it moves in ten year cycles, and as five years is a half cycle andprices are the highest in history, we can naturally expect that a good declinewill follow.”He continues with, “Whilesome commentators follow the theory that the Stock Market is influenced by tenyear cycles, astrological principles would seem to suggest a11.9 cycle coinciding with the perihelion of Jupiter.”And then, “The market problem involvesvarious cycles impinging upon each other and one cannot lay down any empiricalrules until these cycles are carefully computed.”
The final manuscript presenting rules onMarket Trends, price and volume trading pointers, and The Volume Rule, is sosimilar to Gann that it could almost be straight out of one of his courses.The principles and presentation of the ruleson market volume will be so familiar to readers of Gann, that one is left witha strong impression that either Gann copied the style of this author, or theauthor borrowed this information from Gann.Reminiscent of the old master is the following quote, “Stocks havehabits and characteristics which are distinct as those of human beings oranimals.It is worth while becomingacquainted with those habits in order to anticipate stock movements.”
The conclusion we’ve drawn from theseinsights into this network of connections leads us to believe that thefinancial forecasting community of the early 1900s was a highly advanced andtightly knit community of individuals who regularly collaborated and sharedinsights.This is not unlike today,where most everyone publicly par
We hope these Earliest Financial Astrology Manuscripts, published here for thefirst time, over 100 years after their original authorship,will provide a deeper insight into the minds of the early market masters, andintroduce us, for the first time to the hidden techniques of financialastrology as used in the earliest days of this tradition.For the reader’s further research andcomparison, we have included the original source works mentioned here, of FredWhite, Professor Weston, Sepharial, as well as all the known astrologicalwritings and charts of W.D. Gann.Wehope everyone enjoys, and benefits from this excursion into the minds and astrologicalvision of the forefathers of financial astrology.
Sacred Science Institute
1902 Manuscript
Astrology For Gann Traders Pdf Reader Pdf
- To Memorize.
- Motion Of The Planets.
- Houses Of The Planets.
- Planetary Hours.
- Mundane Astrology.
- Rules Applying ToMarkets.
- Influence of Each Planet.
- The Tendency Of Markets Under Strong Aspects Is As Follows.
- Elevations.
- Effect of Elevations On The Speculative Markets.
- Example In Transits.
- Panics.
- Rules For Forecasting Sugar.
- Rules For Forecasting Wheat Markets.
- The Parallel Aspect.
- The Nodes Of The Planets.
- For Speculation.
- Nodes Of The Planets.
- Geocentric.
- Speculation.
- The Terms Of The Planets.
- The Zodiac.
- The Significator.
- The Indicator.
- Ephemeral Aspects.
- Nature of Aspects.
- Specific Natures.
- A Boom &ASlump.
- Aspects.
- Ruling Signs.
- Internationals.
- Guilt Edge Bonds Or Government.
- Sign Transits.
- Transition Points.
- Specific Horoscopes.
- American Railroads.
- The British Stock Exchange.
- Specific House Influences.
1930 Manuscript
- Market Swing Review.
- Lunar Rules For Determining Trend.
- Method For Trading By New Moon.
- Two New Moons In Same Sign & Yearly Trend
- Indications For Full Moon.
- How To Determine Change In Trend.
- Moon’s Meaning In Different Houses.
- 10 Year & 11.9 Year Cycles.
- 5 Year 1.2 Cycle of 10.
- Full Moon In Pisces – Fatal Sign.
- Rules For Volume of Sales.
- Declination & Parallels.
- Composite Cycles.
- Market Trends.
- Price & Volume Trading Pointers
- The Volume Rule.
- The Trend.
- Pressure.
- Advancing & Decreasing Prices.
- Advancing & Decreasing Volume.
- Volume Must Increase On Advances.
- Bull & Bear Market Rules.
- Reaction Rules.
- …Confidential…
Appendix 1:
- Fred White.A Guide ToAstrology. 1901.
Appendix 2:
- Professor Weston. Forecasting The
Appendix 3:
- Sepharial.TheArcana & Keys.
- The Arcana OrStock & Share Key
- Key To Sugar Values
- Summaries of Lost Keys
Appendix 4:
- W. D. Gann.Astrological Writings& Charts, 1921-1954.
- The Human Body & Time Cycles.
- Soybeans Price Resistance Levels,Active Angles & Degrees.
- May Coffee
- Astrological Charts & Tables.
2004. 250 pages.Hardcover.
A few interesting authors on W.D.Gann’s astrology
Patrick Mikula
Gann 's Scientific Methods Unveiled Volume 1 (pdf version only)
Gann 's Scientific Methods Unveiled Volume 2 (pdf version only)
Patrick Mikula has taken much pain to study W.D. Gann’s original writings. He made many interesting discoveries and was generous enough to share them in his books, an unbeatable value for money. These books are essential to have in one’s library, but their study requires time and patience, and many of the studied signals are weak signals, useful for traders who already have a good basic technique for entering and exiting the market.
The definitive guide to forecasting using W.D. Gann 's Square of 9 (sold out)
This book is for the advanced Gann’s fans, this is precise, heavy duty analysis.
Myles Wilson Walker, 'Super Timing'
Attempted explanations of trades and forecasts of W.D. Gann. An interesting book, with studies on dates predicted by W.D. Gann (the concept of non-exact aspects, but separated by the same degree is interesting, but not easy to handle!). And a lot of thoughts on the various calculators used by W.D. Gann (Square of 9, Square of 12).
Jeanne Long, ' The Universal Clock ' & ' Basic Astro Tech '
One of the classics of W.D. Gann literature, which led to the creation of the most well-known software that can be of use for this type of techniques. I found it less precise than P.Mikula books, but it is a classic. It will not in any case give readers a martingale.
Earik Beann
'Handbook of Market Esoterica ' ($ 495)
The price is X10 the usual price for a book on technical indicator. So for the wealthy traders... Does it give you X10 what a standard book can give you ? I don’t think so. That is not a bad book , but if you imagine that by paying that price the Time and Space secrets that W.D Gann alluded to will be revealed without effort, allowing immediate profitable trading, that is a mistake. This book offers insights, but requires a lot of work, like all Gann material.
Astrology For Gann Traders Pdf Reader Online
'Techniques of an Astrotrader ' (995)
The number in brackets is not the year it was written in, it is the price it sells for. I did not read it but if someone wants to publish an account ? For that kind of money, there must be some serious research.
Gann Astrology Software
Bradley Cowan
'Pentagonal Time Cycle Theory'
An approach based on a very interesting and original concept of heliocentric cycles. Very different from anything else we can read on WD Gann and even Astrology. A must read.
Olga Morales
Many DVD courses W.D. Gann, some seminars with Bill Meridian on the subject, which in itself testifies of a serious approach. This Australian astrologer seems to have decoded a lot on the Gann material.
W.D.Gann’s original writings
Should we read the original works of W.D. Gann? It takes a lot of time to extract the its substance . We are talking in years ... They are coded, apparently contain errors on purpose and combine considerations of trading and other veiled on astrology . Apart from the seminal book, 'TTTA', here's the list . Note that ' The Magic Word ' is a work of spiritual significance rather than financial. Seems to be a combination of several occult subjects that W.D. Gann studies in his life. The usage of the Hebrew Tetragram “YHWH”, curiously pronounced “Jehovah” as a Mantra is quite peculiar.
For those who want to have a first approach of W.D Gann, a good start on this site:
“Truth of The Stock Tape ” (1923)
“Tunnel Thru The Air ” ( 1927)
“Wall Street Stock Selector ” ( 1930)
Gann Trader Software
“New Stock Trend Detector ” ( 1936)
“Face Facts America ” ( 1940)
“How to Make Profits in Commodities ” (1941)
Astrology For Gann Traders
“45 Years in Wall Street ” (1949)
“The Magic Word ” (1950)
“How to Make Profits Trading In Puts and Calls “