How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011

  1. How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Version
  2. How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Paragraph Mark
  3. How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Download
  4. How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Free
  5. How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 To Excel Mail Merge

Whenever you create a Word document, Microsoft Word automatically assign a author name to that document which is asked and saved in its properties at the installation time. So, if you want to change the author name in Word 2007 or 2010 then its very easy to do that.

One more thing i would like to tell you if you change the author name in Word 2007 or 2010 using this method then author name for other Office application like Excel, PowerPoint will be automatically changed, so lets see how to change author name.

If you need to insert citations into a Word document, Office 2011 for Mac offers the Citation feature to help you. Citations describe the source of a quotation, passage, figure, or data, and they follow a particular formatting style. To activate the Citations feature, follow these steps: Switch to a view that supports the Toolbox,. Microsoft Word Perform the following steps each time you plan to distribute a final electronic copy of a Word document: Save a copy of your document by clicking the File tab and selecting Save As. Then select where you want to save the file, type a name in the File Name box and click Save. In your original document, click the Review tab. 1 In new documents, the name that appears as the Author property (visible in the Document Information Panel) comes from the User name box in the Word Options dialog box. To see the Author property for a document, click the Microsoft Office Button, point to Prepare, and then click Properties. Change the author name for new documents.

Manual Author Marking: In the below-mentioned author name, 'G.' Is the 'First Name' and 'Gubbiotti' is the 'Surname'. In this case, select the text and press the defined button from the 'AUTHOR MARKUP' group to apply the appropriate style. Once the author field is marked, select the complete author name and group using the 'Auth group' option. Oct 01, 2011 To change the owner name, and a bunch more information in documents, including address, phone number, etc (information that the previous owner undoubtedly does not want included in every document you create, you need to launch MS Word and click on the “Word” menu: Choose the “Preferences” option and you’ll see that Microsoft Office 2011 has a Preferences area that looks astonishingly similar to the Mac OS X System Preferences area: Click on “User Information” in the lower.

Change Author Name Word 2010/2007

Change author in word 2010


Run Word 2010, Click on “File” tab, click on “Options” to open Word options


Select “General” option on the left side and change the “User name” and “Initials” under section “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office”

Change author in word 2007

Step 1

How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Version

Click “Office” button > “Word Options”

Step 2

Now click “Popular” option and under “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, type the new author name in-front of “User name” field and type “Initials” according to your choice and click “OK” to make the change affective

By changing the author name in Word this will effect on the whole Microsoft Office applications like Excel, PowerPoint and others…

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How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Paragraph Mark

How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011

If you need to insert citations into a Word document, Office 2011 for Mac offers the Citation feature to help you. Citations describe the source of a quotation, passage, figure, or data, and they follow a particular formatting style.

To activate the Citations feature, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to a view that supports the Toolbox, such as Print Layout view, by clicking the Print Layout button at the lower-left corner of the document window.

  2. If Toolbox isn’t showing already, click the Toolbox button on the Standard toolbar to display it.

  3. Click the Citations button (second from the left in the top toolbar) to activate the Citations tab.

How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Download

In the Citations tab of the Toolbox, you have the following options:

How do i change the author name on word for mac 2011 to save as docx default
  • Citation Style: Click this pop-up menu to choose from four different styles: APA, Chicago, MLA, and Turabian.

  • Citations List: Word maintains a list of your citations. This option shows Word’s master citations list filtered by the selected style. Select a citation; then double-click it to insert it in your document at the insertion cursor.

  • Add Citation: Displays the Add New Citation dialog for your master citations list. You can enter appropriate data for the currently selected citation style.

  • Delete Citation: Removes the selected citation from Word’s master citation list.

  • Edit Source or Use Citation Source Manager:

    You have two options when you click this button:

    • Edit Source: Displays the Edit Citation dialog.

    • Citation Source Manager: Displays the Citation Source Manager. Here you can copy citations to and from open documents and share citations with others.

Word maintains a master list of citations, but you have to add or copy at least one citation to your master citations list before you can insert a citation into a document.

In the Edit Citation dialog, you have these options:

How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 Free

  • Type of Source: Click this pop-up menu to choose from a list of many source types.

  • Bibliography Fields: Enter data as applicable for the citation style selected in the Toolbox pop-up menu.

  • Example: Shows an example for the currently select input field.

How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011 To Excel Mail Merge

Use the Citation Source Manager dialog to set the following features:

How Do I Change The Author Name On Word For Mac 2011
  • Master List: Your Word master list of citations.

  • Current List: Citations in the currently active document.

  • Copy: Copy a selected citation to or from either list. The Copy direction arrow changes depending upon which list has the currently selected citation.

  • New: Opens the Create New Source dialog.

  • Edit: Opens the selected citation in the Edit Source dialog.

  • Delete: Deletes the selected source from your master list.