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  • With PV.SOL premium, the industry standard for photovoltaic design programs, you can design and simulate all types of modern PV systems. From the small rooftop system with a few modules to medium-sized systems on commercial roofs to large solar parks - PV.SOL premium supports you with numerous tools for design and simulation.
  • PV.SOL online is a free tool for the calculation of PV systems. Made by Valentin Software, the developers of the full featured market leading PV simulation software PV.SOL, this online tool lets you input basic data like location, load profiles, solar power (photovoltaic, PV) module data, Inverter manufacturer. We then search for the optimal connection of your PV modules and the inverter that.
  • Apr 12, 2019 Tutorial Design a fast PV system with PV.SOL premium using Google Earth data (3D - Miami USA) - Duration: 8:57. Solar Engineer 62,255 views.

Download PVSOL Pro for free. PVSOL Pro - PV.SOL® Pro is a program for the design and simulation of grid-connected and off-grid photovoltaic systems. You can create your system using a wide range of modules (including thin-film and crystalline) and the program determines the size of the system with the roof layout tool.

The softwares below are commercial tools dedicated to the design of PV systems connected to the grid or in remote area. You can get an accurate evaluation of solar photovoltaic panels energy output. All softwares below must be purchased to be fully functional.
All prices are indicative and subject to change without notice.

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The INSEL toolbox Solar Electricity provides parameters for the simulation of all market-available PV modules and

This italian software developed by Electro Graphics Srl is a full tools to compute the solar PV output of a solar photovoltaic system connected to the grid.
Main features :

  • - Global and full system definition
  • - Shading (close and remote)
  • - Photovoltaic generator
  • - Inverter configuration
  • - Database (inverter, irradiation, pv modules)
  • - PV system layout

PV F-CHART is a comprehensive photovoltaic system analysis and design program. The program provides monthly-average performance estimates for each hour of the day. The calculations are based upon methods developed at the University of

PV Designer software enables you to quickly and easily: draw a roof outline, specify set-backs and keep-out regions, incorporate SunEye shade measurements at specific locations on the roof, drag-and-drop modules, size strings, check inverter limits, and calculate the AC energy production for your system.
It includes extensive world-wide databases of modules, inverters, and historical weather. You can easily try different

PV Rocket is an add-in to AutoCAD, this software offers automated construction documents for solar photovoltaic projects.

PV Rocket software helps to create plans and schematics for commercial contractors and development companies to design, plan, implement and approve solar PV Systems. PV Rocket developed software in CAD is designed specifically to help design PV Systems.

PV Rocket automatically measures distances between modules, inverters and

PVscout is a PV-sizing software for the planning and calculation of grid-connected photovoltaic systems irrespective of manufacturer.
- graphical representation and dynamic interconnection of several roofs.
- full range of data irrespective of manufacturer
- solar irradiation data based on high-resolution mean minute values
- calculations of

The all in one solution for simple and speedy planning and calculation of PV systems, which leaves no wish unfulfilled.
Complete PV system planning.
Comprehensive assembly and connection plan, and all relevant calculations such as inverter design, revenue forecast, profitability calculations

HOMER is a computer model that simplifies the task of evaluating design options for both off-grid and grid-connected power systems for remote, stand-alone, and distributed generation (DG) applications. HOMER's optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms allow the user to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of a large number of technology options and to account for uncertainty in technology costs, energy resource availability, and other variables.

SOLAR PRO calculates the amount of generated electricity based on the latitudes, longitudes, and the weather conditions of the installation site. This leads precise simulation results.
Simulation including the shadow influence by surrounding buildings and objects allows users to check optimal settings and

PV*SOL premium is a dynamic simulation program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis of photovoltaic plants with storage systems. PV system designers, engineers, consultants and installers can use the software to professionally design and dimension PV systems. Features include :
- Calculation of electric vehicles with battery storage systems
- Import of satellite maps to quickly and easily create buildings

BlueSol Design is a professional tool for the design of photovoltaic systems.

BlueSol Design is proposed as a product for professionals looking for a simple and comprehensive way to solve their design problems.

BlueSol Design simplifies the design of photovoltaic plants, assisting the user in all stages of design, starting with the dimensioning of the system to get to the realization of the documentation.

BlueSol Design supports the design and optimization, both technical and financial, of every type of photovoltaic system: - Grid connected systems
- Stand-Alone systems
- Grid connected systems with AC-coupled battery storage
- Grid connected systems with DC-coupled battery storage

Pvcomplete is a software that use Autocad and System Advisor Model Models energy production for your PV design.
Shadow modelling : Draw obstructions and our software will draw in shaded areas for you based on latitude, azimuth and object height.
PV COMPLETE has full module database : Download module data directly from

Skelion, is a Sketchup's plugin to insert solar photovoltaics and thermal components in a surface.

Skelion plugin gives Sketchup the possibility to insert solar panels very fast and make fast renewable solar energy studies.

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Includes shadows projection and MAC OS and Windows compatible.

Skelion for SketchUp allows you to :

PV-DesignPro v6.0 is Windows compatible software designed to simulate photovoltaic energy system operation on an hourly basis for one year, based on a user selected climate and system design.
Three versions of the PV-DesignPro program are included on the Solar Design Studio CD-ROM: 'PV-DesignPro-S' for

SPF - Velasolaris, professsional sizing and simulation of solar photovoltaic systems.

One of the oldest photovoltaic software, developed by the University of Geneva.PVSYST is designed to be used by architects, engineer and researchers, and it is also a very useful pedagogical tool. It could be considered as the Swiss knife of photovoltaic software.
Main features :

HELIOS 3D is a professional planning tools for utility scale PV plants.
It allows shadow free placement of PV racks on a digital terrain at any geographical position and at any given date or time.
The workflow supports all phases of the project process :
Project Development : Analysis and evaluation of the terrain, rate of yield
Project Layout :

Solarius-PV is a software for solar photovoltaic (grid connected) design and solar PV system efficiency calculation.
- solar PV calculator with step by step design
- graphical input also from CAD
- calculation of the solar PV system efficiency rate
- solar panel shading analysis from

Photovoltaic software for Real-Time PV System Simulation.
- Global Project Simulation
- Virtual Site Assessment

PVcase is a plugin for Autodesk (AutoCAD) for the design of photovoltaic solar plants.

Main features are :
- 3D terrain based PV layouts
- customizable electrical design
- Automated topographical 3D cabling
- Export 3D shading scenes to PVSyst & other 3D rendering software
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The open-circuit voltage, VOC, is the maximum voltage available from a solar cell, and this occurs at zero current. The open-circuit voltage corresponds to the amount of forward bias on the solar cell due to the bias of the solar cell junction with the light-generated current. The open-circuit voltage is shown on the IV curve below.

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IV curve of a solar cell showing the open-circuit voltage.

An equation for Voc is found by setting the net current equal to zero in the solar cell equation to give:

$$V_{OC}=frac{n k T}{q} ln left(frac{I_{L}}{I_{0}}+1right)$$

A casual inspection of the above equation might indicate that VOC goes up linearly with temperature. However, this is not the case as I0 increases rapidly with temperature primarily due to changes in the intrinsic carrier concentration ni. The effect of temperature is complicated and varies with cell technology. See the page “Effect of Temperature” for more details

VOCdecreases with temperature. If temperature changes, I0 also changes.

The above equation shows that Voc depends on the saturation current of the solar cell and the light-generated current. While Isc typically has a small variation, the key effect is the saturation current, since this may vary by orders of magnitude. The saturation current, I0 depends on recombination in the solar cell. Open-circuit voltage is then a measure of the amount of recombination in the device. Silicon solar cells on high quality single crystalline material have open-circuit voltages of up to 764 mV under one sun and AM1.5 conditions1, while commercial devices on multicrystalline silicon typically have open-circuit voltages around 600 mV.

The VOC can also be determined from the carrier concentration 2:

$$V_{OC}=frac{k T}{q} ln left[frac{left(N_{A}+Delta nright) Delta n}{n_{i}^{2}}right]$$

where kT/q is the thermal voltage, NA is the doping concentration, Δn is the excess carrier concentration and ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration. The determination of VOC from the carrier concentration is also termed Implied VOC.

Voc as a Function of Bandgap, EG


Where the short-circuit current (ISC) decreases with increasing bandgap, the open-circuit voltage increases as the band gap increases. In an ideal device the VOC is limited by radiative recombination and the analysis uses the principle of detailed balance to determine the minimum possible value for J0.

The minimum value of the diode saturation current is given by 3:

$$J_{0}=frac{q}{k} frac{15 sigma}{pi^{4}} T^{3} int_{u}^{infty} frac{x^{2}}{e^{x}-1} d x$$,

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where q is the electronic charge, σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, k is Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature and

$$u=frac{E_{G}}{k T}$$

Evaluating the integral in the above equation is quite complex. The graph below uses the method outlined in 4

Diode saturation current as a function of band gap. The values are determined from detailed balance and place a limit on the open circuit voltage of a solar cell.

The J0 calculated above can be directly plugged into the standard solar cell equation given at the top of the page to determine the VOC so long as the voltage is less than the band gap, as is the case under one sun illumination.

VOC as function of bandgap for a cell with AM 0 and AM 1.5. The VOC increases with bandgap as the recombination current falls. There is drop off in VOC at very high band gaps due to the very low ISC.

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  • 1., “Analysis of the recombination mechanisms of a silicon solar cell with low bandgap-voltage offset”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 121, no. 20, p. 205704, 2017.
  • 2., “Contactless determination of current–voltage characteristics and minority-carrier lifetimes in semiconductors from quasi-steady-state photoconductance data”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 69, pp. 2510-2512, 1996.
  • 3., “On some thermodynamic aspects of photovoltaic solar energy conversion”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 36, pp. 201-222, 1995.
  • 4., “Rapid and precise calculations of energy and particle flux for detailed-balance photovoltaic applications”, Solid-State Electronics, vol. 50, pp. 1400-1405, 2006.

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